Hello World!!

Hello World!!

Hi there, readers! Welcome to my blog. I am Jishnu, the writer of this blog. I created this blog with the aim to share my views and knowledge with the world. I am a student and am passionate about computers and technology.

Photo by Luis Gomes

This is my first blog and I welcome you all to my blog. I am writing this welcome blog as my first blog to let you know about myself as I begin my blogging adventure. Firstly, I am from New Delhi, India. I am currently a student. I am interested in Science & Technology and Computers💻. My favourite pastimes include Programming and Reading books and articles. I myself created this website using React and Gatsby. You may take a look at my other skills and projects at my About Me page.

Why I love Reading?

The French philosopher, René Descartes said, "The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest minds of past centuries". Reading fills me with new ideas. From novels to inspirational writings, everything has something to learn from and opens up my mind to new possibilities. I like to read about latest developments in the field of Science & Technology. I also like to read blogs about programming.

Photo by Nathan Aguirre on Unsplash

It is said that knowledge is infinite. Earlier, the only way to access and gain knowledge was to read books, but now with the advent of the Internet, we could easily access anything and everything at our fingertips. We could acquire new knowledge and improvise our existing knowledge with the aid of the Internet. I feel it interesting to learn something new or more deeply of what I already know.

Why I Code?

I feel deeply interested in programming. I love to create solutions to the problems prevailing in our society. Computers are indeed one of the biggest and greatest inventions in the entire human history and knowing how to communicate with them is indeed very interesting. Knowing how to program to build apps, websites and software feels like a superpower. I know full stack web development, and AI and ML development. I am currently planning to learn mobile app development.

Photo by Lukas

Programming is not just about engineering software, apps and websites. But it's about identifying problems existing in the society, deliberating over the solutions and applying programming skills to mould imaginations into reality.

Final Thoughts

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